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the Greene Basset Hounds

History Page Two
Life at the Greene Acre finally inches forward,
but only after a few steps backwards...

With Cleo and Lilly fighting at every opportunity after Lilly began to get well, one of them needed to find a new place to call home...  Cleo was younger so it was she who moved...

The finding of a new home was accomplished in August of 2002 with much help from a friend in Ft. Myers.
Cleo found a wonderful new family 25 miles west of here and is now an only dog - exactly what she had wanted from the beginning.
She also has a new name - Lady Bug
In fact, she is now a model.  She couldn't be happier in her new home.  She poses wearing the clothes and hats her mom designs and sells...
Posing in a hat...
She even visits a friend inside a Hospice now

Lady Bug is our best success story

We were sure things would get better...  Not the way it  happened

Soon after Lady Bug left, Lilly began picking on and biting most all the others
Charlie, the light of my life,
 left for the bridge at the
end of January, 2003
Chip immediately began trying to grieve himself to death
The basset hound waddle a few weeks later was sad
Lilly went home with someone else that afternoon
Searched and searched for friend for Chip
Finally locating a basset at the Polk County dog pound, we were 10 minutes too late to claim it for Chip
However, we looked around since we were there...

In the last row of cages hidden back behind where no one would see were
the SMALLEST pair of bassets I had ever seen!!!  End of February - 2003

Molly and Chandler
had just gotten 
there and were
waiting to be
processed into
the system
Neither of them had heartworms, but there was another worse  problem...
When they were getting ready to be made sterile, the pound vet found a huge lump on Chandler's testicle
She REFUSED to operate for fear it was cancer, but wouldn't let me have him either
He had to be transported to my vet via the dog catcher truck to wait until my vet could look
at him
After being neutered, antibiotics cured his testicular cancer within another week
Molly began to
bond with
Knee-Hi her
first night here
Someone else wanted Knee-Hi very badly.  I had agreed before I realized what I had said...
By the next morning,
someone showed
up to take Knee-Hi
to her new home
Chandler and Molly brought new life to our oldler hounds once again
Near the end of November, Molly and Chandler became registered thourgh Therapy Dogs, Inc.

The next day, a trip to Ocala let us get Chester - the happiest dog we have ever met and loved

When our precious Lucy Beth died on April 7, 2004,
 our hearts were broken once again...

Chucky in July and Matthew in October have brought
 plenty enough joy to mend our broken hearts,
 but then we lost Josh Oct. 22, 2004...
Very sad again now

Next Page

the most recent four family members

the Greene Bassets of Florida