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the Greene Basset Hounds

Best Back End Friends

These two boys were best friends... even
though they never got the chance to
met each other... 
Together, they found a way to make their mommies
become best friends, too.
In fact, the more thier mommies found out about each other,
the more things they had in common...


Here's a picture of Brannigan's back end.  He lives way up north in western New York with 2 other bassets, a beagle and a cat. He became best friends with his buddy in Florida, Charlie

This was Charlie (ATB - Jan. 2003) who immediately became best friends with Brannigan.  They were both the biggest boys in their family, nearly the same size and caused their mommies to become good friends. 

Both their mommies had been trying to find 
a way to meet each other in person
after being best online buddies for 5 years.
THe opportunity came in June of 2004
at the Niagara Falls Waddle with
another mutual friend from Louisiana - Linda
Left to Right:  Bernie, Billy, Linda and Billy's Mom 


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the Greene Bassets of Florida