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the Greene Basset Hounds

Doghouse before and after

Although once a 2 car garage with one door for one car... the doghouse has changed over the years.

This was the way things used to be...  Way before these current hounds...  Before the "new blacktop" too.  (We had to beg for 20 years to get asphalt.)

The way things are now...

Also attached to the doghouse for us to take showers... when it's empty.
In one corner is our tub...
                   The People Tub

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Inside the doghouse (20 X 28 feet) is more comfortable than one might think...
There is now a place to do baths even when it's cold...
the Basset Bathtub

A portable TV makes their house the most popular place to be.  Anytime we are home, we can usually be found in the doghouse with our FAMILY.  The hounds aren't real particular about which show they watch, but they really enjoy listening to classical music...

The doghouse inside and out

the Greene Bassets of Florida